If you are working from home, staying in this weekend, had a trip or event canceled, or are lost without your favorite sports game, I've put together a list of some fun things you can do during this time. If you need anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
Stay positive. Stay healthy.
1. Have a Game Night
- 31 Fun Games for Family Game Night
-10 Best Adult Party Games That'll Make Any Game Night
Download fun game apps such as:
- Heads Up
- Fibbage
- Piccolo
2. Get Ahead of Spring Cleaning
Take this time to declutter and reorganize your home or apartment!
-100 Best Organizing Tips for the Tidiest Home Ever
- How to Store Your Winter Clothes
-10 Marie Kondo Organization Tips That Will Change Your Life
3. Cook Delicious Staples in Your Kitchen!
4. Have an At-Home Date Night
-20 Romantic At-Home Date Night Ideas For Everyone
- Take your time + make your favorites from scratch -- Sushi, Gnocchi, Ice Cream
6. Start Spring Home Maintenance
7. Brainstorm Idea's for Home Improvement Projects
8. Workout at Home
9. Go For a Walk + Look at Nature
10. Get Rest + Strengthen Your Immune System